VHF/UHF/Microwave Bandplan

IARU Region 1 - 2006

With restriction to use in Italy as per "Piano nazionale di ripartizione delle frequenze 28/02/2000"

Quick links: 50MHz 1.8MHz 3.5MHz 7MHz 10MHz 14MHz 18MHz 21MHz 24MHz 28MHz 29MHz


Color key

Band limits, allowed bandwidth: Mode: Band subdivision: Usage: Italy rules:
500 Hz Telegraphy Generic Notes on specific modes to be used in a band Exclusive use for Amateur Radio
2700 Hz MGM, SSB No contests Primary use for Amateur Radio (other services allowed)
12 kHz All Modes Exclusive use Secondary use for Amateur Radio (primary service)
20 kHz Beacons only Band not allowed in Italy

Preferred mode and usage notes

The allocation of sub-bands in the IARU Region 1 bandplans allows the indicated category of users to employ any frequency within that sub-band, provided that no appreciable energy falls outside that sub-band. Users must therefore take into account the bandwidth of their sidebands when selecting an operating frequency. (de Haan, 1993)
The maximum bandwidth determines the maximum spectral width ( -6 dB points) of all emissions allowed in a segment. The mode indicates the modulation methods (e.g. telegraphy, telephony, MGM, etc) allowed in a segment. M(achine) G(enerated() M(ode) indicates those transmission modes relying fully on computer processing such as RTTY, AMTOR, PSK31, FSK441 and the like. The usage column indicates the main usage (sometimes country dependant) of a segment. In case only one application is allowed, the word 'exclusive' is added.
(*) Lowest dial setting for LSB Voice mode: 1843, 3603 and 7043 kHz
6m - 50 MHz
50.000 - 50.100 Telegraphy (a) 50.000 - 50.080 Beacons Secondary (Primary: Defence Mobile)
50.090 Telegraphy center of activity
50.100 - 50.200 Telegraphy, SSB, MGM 50.100 - 50.130 Intercontinental Telegraphy/SSB
50.110 DX Calling (c)
50.150 SSB Center of activity
50.185 Crossband activity center
50.200 MS center of activity
50.255 JT44
50.260 - 50.280 FSK441
50.270 FSK441 Calling freq.
50.285 PSK31 center of activity
50.200 - 51.000 All modes 50.150 SSTV (AFSK)
50.550 FAX working frequency
50.600 RTTY (FSK)
50.620 - 50.750 Digital communications
50.750 - 50.999  
51.000 - 52.000 51.000 - 51.200    
51.210 - 51.390 FM repeaters input channels, 20kHz spacing (e)
51.410 - 51.590 FM
51.510 FM calling frequency
51.810 - 51.990 FM repeaters output channels, 20kHz spacing (e)
Telegraphy is permitted over the whole band; Telegraphy exclusive between 50.000 - 50.100 MHz.
160 m - 1800 kHz
1810 - 1838 1838 - 1840 1840 - 1843 1843 - 2000
Telegraphy Narrowband modes All modes(*)
QRP Centre of Activity 1836 kHz Digimodes(*)
1810 - 1830 1830 - 1850 1850 - 2000
80 m - 3500 kHz
3500 - 3510 3510 - 3560 3560 - 3580 3580 - 3590 3590 - 3600 3600 - 3620 3620 - 3650 3650 - 3700 3700 - 3775 3775 - 3800
Telegraphy Narrow band modes - digimodes All modes - digimodes All modes
priority for intercontinental operation contest preferred, QRS Centre of Activity 3555 kHz QRP Centre of Activity 3560 kHz automatically controlled data stations (unattended) automatically controlled data station (unattended), (*) SSB contest preferred, (*) SSB QRP Centre of Activity 3690 kHz SSB contest preferred, Image Centre of Activity 3735 kHz, Region 1 Emergency Centre of Activity 3760 kHz priority for intercontinental operation
40 m - 7 MHz
7000 - 7035 7035 - 7038 7038 - 7040 7040 - 7043 7043 - 7100 7100 - 7200
Telegraphy Narrow band modes - digimodes All modes - digimodes All modes
QRP Centre of Activity 7030 kHz automatically controlled data stations (unattended) automatically controlled data stations (unattended) Image Centre of Activity 7043 kHz, Region 1 Emergency Centre of Activity 7060 kHz, SSB QRP Centre of Activity 7090 kHz, (*) (2009: 200 Hz and 500 Hz segments below 7100 kHz will be extended)
7000 - 7100 7100 - 7200
13/05/2008: experimental secondary allocation max 24dBW output (250W)
29/03/2009: primary max 24dBW - Pending new PNRF
30 m - 10 MHz
10100 - 10140 10140 - 10150
Telegraphy Narrow band modes - digimodes
QRP Centre of Activity 10116 kHz
20 m - 14 MHz
14000 - 14060 14060 - 14070 14070 - 14089 14089 - 14099 14099 - 14101 14101 - 14112 14112 - 14125 14125 - 14300 14300 - 14350
Telegraphy Narrow band modes - digimodes IBP All modes - digimodes All modes
contest preferred, QRS Centre of Activity 14055 kHz QRP Centre of Activity 14060 kHz automatically controlled data stations (unattended) exclusively for beacons automatically controlled data stations (unattended) SSB contest preferred, Priority for Dxpeditions 14195 kHz ± 5 kHz, Image Centre of Activity 14230 kHz, SSB QRP Centre of Activity 14285 kHz Global Emergency centre of activity 14300 kHz.
17 m - 18 MHz
18068 - 18095 18095 - 18105 18105 - 18109 18109 - 18111 18111 - 18120 18120 - 18168
Telegraphy Narrow band modes - digimodes IBP All modes - digimodes All modes
QRP Centre of Activity 18086 kHz automatically controlled data stations (unattended) exclusively for beacons automatically controlled data stations (unattended) Global Emergency centre of activity 18160 kHz
15 m - 21 MHz
21000 - 21070 21070 - 21090 21090 - 21110 21110 - 21120 21120 - 21149 21149 - 21151 21151 - 21450
Telegraphy Narrow band modes - digimodes All modes (excluding SSB) - digimodes Narrow band modes IBP All modes
QRS Centre of Activity 21055 kHz, Telegraphy QRP Centre of Activity 21060 kHz automatically controlled data stations (unattended) automatically controlled data stations (unattended) exclusively for beacons SSB QRP Centre of Activity 21285 kHz, Image Centre of Activity 21340 kHz, Global Emergency Centre of Activity 21360 kHz
12 m - 24 MHz
24890 - 24915 24915 - 24925 24925 - 24929 24929 - 24931 24931 - 24940 24940 - 24990
Telegraphy Narrow band modes - digimodes IBP All modes - digimodes All modes
Telegraphy QRP centre of activity 24906 kHz automatically controlled data stations (unattended) exclusively for beacons automatically controlled data stations (unattended)
10 m - 28 MHz
28000 - 28070 28070 - 28120 28120 - 28150 28150 - 28190 28190 - 28199 28199 - 28201 28201 - 28225 28225 - 28300 28300 - 28320 28320 - 29200
Telegraphy Narrow band modes - digimodes Narrow band modes IBP All modes - beacons All modes - digimodes All modes
QRS Centre of Activity 28055 kHz, QRP Centre of Activity 28060 kHz automatically controlled data stations (unattended) regional time shared beacons worldwide time shared beacons continuous duty beacons automatically controlled data stations (unattended) SSB QRP Centre of Activity 28360 kHz, Image Centre of Activity 28680 kHz
10 m - 29 MHz
28320 - 29200 29200 - 29300 29300 - 29510 29510 - 29520 29520 - 29550 29560 - 29590 29600 29610 - 29650 29660 - 29700
All modes All modes - digimodes Satellite-downlink Guard channel All modes
SSB QRP Centre of Activity 28360 kHz, Image Centre of Activity 28680 kHz automatically controlled data stations (unattended) FM simplex - 10 kHz channels FM repeater input (RH1 - RH4) FM calling channel FM simplex - 10 kHz channels FM repeater outputs (RH1 - RH4)

(#) Dato da verificare


Pierfrancesco Caci, ik5pvx